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General terms and conditions - B&me loyalty program


Updated on 10/05/2023


1. Preamble

1. The purpose of these general terms and conditions (hereinafter "GTC") is to govern the rights and obligations of members of the B&me program (hereinafter the "Members"), and of the following companies:

  • B&B HOTELS, a simplified joint stock company incorporated under the law of France, with its registered office at 271 rue du Général Paulet, 29200, Brest (France), registered in the Brest Trade and Companies Register under no. 378 047 500; 
  • B&B DREAMLAND HOTEL, a simplified joint stock company incorporated under the law of France, with its registered office at 271 rue du Général Paulet, 29200, Brest (France), registered in the Brest Trade and Companies Register under no. 808 416 960; 
  • TANDEM SAS, a simplified joint stock company under the law of France, with its registered office at 9 boulevard Romain Rolland 75014 Paris (France), registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under no. 908 119 746;
  • B&B TAKEOVER, a simplified joint stock company under the law of France, with its registered office at 271 rue du Général Paulet, 29200, Brest (France) registered in the Brest Trade and Companies Register under no. 904 728 649;  
  • B&B HOTELS BELGIUM, a limited liability company under the law of Belgium, with its registered office at Place Marcel Broodthaers 8 (REGUS Brussels South Station – South Center Titanium), 1060 Saint-Gilles (Belgium), registered in the BCE (Companies Register) under no. 0693.764.388; 
  • B&B HOTELS SWITZERLAND GMBH, a limited liability company under the law of Switzerland, with its registered office at rue Bovy-Lysberg 2 - c/o CMS von Erlach Poncet SA, Succursale de Genève, 1204 Geneva (Switzerland), registered in the Geneva Trade Register under no. CHE-422.607.448; 
  • B&B HOTELS GERMANY GMBH, a limited liability company under the law of Germany, with its registered office at Altkönigstraße 10, 65239 Hochheim am Main (Germany), registered with the local court of Wiesbaden under no. HRB 31371; 
  • B&B HOTELS ITALIA S.P.A, a joint stock company under the law of Italy, with its registered office at Via Domenichino, 19 - 20149 Milano (Italy), registered in Milan and Tax Register under no. 6291950969; 
  • B&B HOTELS AUSTRIA GMBH, a limited liability company under the law of Austria, with its registered office at pA CCFA, Am Heumarkt 10 1030 Vienna (Austria), registered with the Vienna Trade Register under no. FN 461990 y;  
  • W.E. I ALICANTE, SOCIEDAD LIMITADA, a limited liability company under the law of Spain, with its registered office at Calle Luis Pasteur S/N, San Sebastián de los Reyes (28703), Madrid (B&B Hotel Madrid Aeropuerto T4) (Spain), registered in the Companies Registry of Madrid under no. B84679935 (Hoja M-404571, Tomo 36216, Folio 209); 
  • WE I VALENCIA SAN LUIS HOTEL, SOCIEDAD LIMITADA, a limited liability company under the law of Spain, with its registered office at Calle Luis Pasteur S/N, San Sebastián de los Reyes (28703), Madrid (B&B Hotel Madrid Aeropuerto T4) (Spain), registered in the Companies Registry of Madrid under no. B84680024 (Hoja M-404570, Tomo 37280, Folio 209); 
  • B&B HOSPITALITY ESPAÑA, S.L., a limited liability company under the law of Spain, with its registered office at Calle Luis Pasteur S/N, San Sebastián de los Reyes (28703), Madrid (B&B Hotel Madrid Aeropuerto T4) (Spain), registered in the Companies Registry of Madrid under no. B66209693 (Hoja M-684467, Tomo 38485, Folio 105); 
  • B&B HOTELS HUNGARY KFT., a limited liability company under the law of Hungary, with its registered office at Fiastyúk u. 2.em, 1139 Budapest (Hungary), registered by the Budapest-Capital Regional Court under no. Cg.01-09-333861; 
  • B&B HOTELS LJUBLJANA, TURIZEM IN HOTELIRSTVO, D.O.O., a limited liability company under the law of Slovenia, with its registered office at Tabor 9, 1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia), registered in the Companies Registry of Slovenia under no. 8292965000; 
  • CBBHP – HOTELS IN PORTUGAL, S.A., a limited company under the law of Portugal, with its registered office at Rua Vasco da Gama 5, parish of Moscavide and Portela, municipality of Loures 2685-244 Loures (Portugal), registered in the Companies Registry of Lisbon under no. 514 820 705;  
  • B&B HOTELS DENMARK APS, a limited liability company under the law of Denmark, with its registered office at Gammel Kongevej 1, 1610 Copenhagen V (Denmark), registered in Business Register under no. 40380388; 
  • B&B HOTEL PRAGUE-CITY S.R.O, a limited liability company under the law of Czech Republic, with its registered office at Karin, Prvniho pluku 674/29 – 186 00 Praha 8 (Czech Republic), registered in the Companies Registry under no. 247 82 173; 
  • B&B HOTELS POLSKA SP. Z O.O., a limited liability company under the law of Poland, with its registered office at Place Przymierza 6 03-944 Varsovie (Poland), registered in the Companies Registry under no. KRS 0000302122; 
  • B&B HOTELS NETHERLANDS B.V., a limited liability company under the law of Netherlands, with its registered office at Zuidplein 36, 1077XV Amsterdam (Netherlands), registered in the Chamber of Commerce of Netherlands under no. 862421445;

- hereinafter jointly referred to as "B&B HOTELS" -

2. B&B HOTELS provides the Members with a customer service accessible by email by sending a request via the Contact form.


2. Purpose and scope

3. B&B HOTELS offers a B&me loyalty program to its customers (hereinafter the "Program"), through the / website (hereinafter the "Site") and its mobile application (hereinafter the "App"), dedicated to the reservation of hotel services. 

4. Acceptance of these GTC implies the conclusion of an electronic contract concluded free of charge in order to join the Program.

5. By joining the Program, the Member unreservedly accepts these GTC.

6. The Member is expressly informed that these GTC do not govern:

  • the use of the Site, which is governed by the Site's General Terms and Conditions of Use, available here;
  • the booking of a stay that is governed by the General Terms and Conditions of Sale accessible here.


3. Program eligibility conditions

7. To join the Program, the B&B HOTELS customer must:

  • be at least eighteen (18) years old and/or have legal capacity; 
  • have created an account on the Site under the conditions set out in article 9 of the Site's General Terms and Conditions of Use, which are expressly incorporated into these GTC and are available here;
  • agree to receive exclusive offers of the Program and newsletters by email or SMS.

8. The Program applies only to consumer customers within the meaning of consumer law. A consumer customer refers to any natural person acting for purposes that are not part of their commercial, industrial, craft, liberal or agricultural activity.

9. B&B HOTELS reserves the right to carry out any verification necessary to ensure the Member's ability to participate in the Program.


4. Joining the Program 

4.1 Program registration

10. B&B HOTELS customers may subscribe to the Program and create an account on the Site free of charge:

  • by filling in a dedicated form on the Site or on the App, available in English, French, Portuguese, German, Spanish and Italian language;
  • within the framework of the booking process on the Site or on the App;
  • directly with the hotel.

11. The information provided by the Member to B&B HOTELS while joining the Program must be complete, up-to-date, truthful and not misleading.

12. B&B HOTELS reserves the right to ask the Member to confirm, by any appropriate means, its identity, eligibility and the provided information.

13. Members are informed and accept that the information they provide to subscribe to the Program constitutes proof of their identity. Information entered by members is binding upon validation.

14. Consequently, the Member undertakes to update this information on its account so that it always corresponds to the aforementioned criteria or to inform B&B HOTELS about any changes made via the Contact form.

15. Membership is personal and only the Member that has subscribed to the Program can benefit from it. Use of the Program by any person other than the Member is prohibited.

16. It is expressly specified that the Program is entirely digitized. Therefore, no physical medium (e.g. a loyalty card) will be given or sent to the Member.

4.2 Acceptance of the GTC

17. The Customer undertakes to read these GTC carefully and expressly accepts them, by ticking a box, before subscribing to the Program on the Site or the App.

18. These GTC are referenced at the bottom of each page of the Site by means of a link.

19. More specifically, the Member is asked to carefully read and download the GTC and to keep a copy of the same.


5. Program benefits

20. The Program enables Members to benefit from a number of advantages, particularly when booking through the Site. The Member can avail of:

  • a limited price for the reservation of a room in all new B&B HOTELS Group hotels during the first quarter following their opening. The reservation must be made in the name of the Member, who must use the booked room for the duration of the reservation. This benefit is limited to the reservation of one room per Member. Therefore, the Member will not be able to book another room in the same period in which he already benefits from the limited price;

    In B&B HOTELS hotels in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Italy and Austria, the Member can benefit from the following advantages in addition to the aforementioned limited price:

  • a free breakfast; valid and redeemable as part of the next reservation of a room through the Site or App and only within three (3) months after registration to the Program and receipt of the corresponding voucher (excluding the B&B HOTELS hotel Lully in Switzerland);
  • a late check-out on Sundays in B&B HOTELS hotels upon availability ((excluding the B&B HOTELS hotel Lully in Switzerland).


21. The benefits and rights granted by the Program:

  • are neither transferable nor assignable;
  • are non-refundable;
  • can only be used when reservations have been made on the Site or App;
  • cannot be combined with the benefits of the B&B HOTELS CLUB program.

22. The Member is expressly informed that the benefits offered within the framework of the Program are subject to change. The Member will be informed of such changes by email no later than thirty (30) days before the changes come into effect. The Member will also be informed of any definitive termination of the Program in the same way.


6. Effective date and duration of the Program

23. The Member benefits from the advantages of the Program from the date of subscription to the Program, for an indefinite period, subject to termination by one of the parties in particular in the event of non-compliance with the conditions of article 8 hereof.


7. Members' obligations

24. In the context of subscribing to the Program, each Member undertakes to not undermine public order, to comply with the laws and regulations in force, and to respect the rights of third-parties and the provisions of these GTC.

25. In particular, each Member is obliged to:

  • behave fairly towards B&B HOTELS;  
  • be honest and sincere in the information provided to B&B HOTELS; 
  • use the functionalities of the Program in accordance with its purpose as described in these GTC;
  • not divert the purpose of the Program to commit crimes, offenses or contraventions punishable by the Penal Code or any other law;
  • respect the privacy of third-parties and the confidentiality of exchanges;
  • respect the intellectual property rights of B&B HOTELS relating to the elements of the Program; 
  • not modify the information put online by B&B HOTELS; 
  • not disseminate any data that would have the effect of diminishing, disorganizing, slowing down or interrupting the normal operation of the Program, the Site and/or the App.


8. Termination of the Program

8.1 Members’ de-registration from the Program

26. The Member may, at any time, request to be removed from the Program directly from their Member account or by sending a request via the contact form.

27. B&B HOTELS will proceed as soon as possible to de-register the Member concerned from the Program and will provide a confirmation email.

28. The Member’s decision, during the membership, to no longer agree to receive the Program's exclusive offers and newsletters by email or SMS leads to de-registration from the Program.

29.  De-registration from the Program will result in the loss of all unused Program benefits from the date of receipt of the request for de-registration or from the date of unsubscribing from the newsletter. 


8.2 Termination of the Program by B&B HOTELS

30. The Program may be terminated by B&B HOTELS in the event of a disregard by the Member of their obligations under these GTC, which may result, in particular, from fraudulent behavior by the Member or failure to comply with the eligibility conditions of the Program set out in article 3 (lack of legal capacity, etc.). 


9. Responsibility

31. B&B HOTELS may not be held liable if it demonstrates that the non-performance or improper performance of these GTC is attributable either to the member, or to the act of a third-party to the contract, or to a case of force majeure, as defined by Austrian jurisprudence and law.


10. Changes to the Program

32. These GTC may be modified and updated by B&B HOTELS, at any time, in particular to adapt to changes in legislation or regulations.

33. The General Terms and Conditions applicable are those in force at the time of browsing the Site or App.

34. The Member will be informed of substantive changes (e.g. changes to benefits, etc.) by email no later than thirty (30) days before the changes take effect.


11. Protection of personal data

35. B&B HOTELS collects and processes the personal data of its Members in compliance with the regulations applicable to the protection of personal data, in particular the EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 and the Austrian Data Protection Act (Datenschutzgesetz).

36. Information on data processing can be found in the Privacy Policy.


12. Intellectual property

37. These GTC do not imply any transfer of property rights of any kind, in particular intellectual property rights, on the elements belonging to B&B HOTELS to the benefit of the Member, who shall in any case refrain from any action and any act likely to infringe, directly or indirectly, the intellectual property rights of B&B HOTELS.

38. In this respect, it is specified that the content of the Site and the App, the general structure as well as the trademarks, drawings, models, animated or non-animated images, texts, photographs, logos, graphic charters, software and programs, search engines, databases, sounds, videos, domain names, design and all other elements making up the items and the Site, the App or any other information contained therein, without this list being exhaustive, are the exclusive property of B&B HOTELS or of partners or third-parties who have granted it a license, and are protected by intellectual property rights which are or will be recognized according to the laws in force.

39. Any reproduction and/or representation, in whole or in part, of any of these elements, without the express authorization of B&B HOTELS, is prohibited and shall constitute, in particular but not exclusively, an infringement punishable by the provisions of Austrian law, in particular under the Austrian Act on Copyright and Related Rights (Urheberrechtsgesetz) and the Trade Mark Act (Markenschutzgesetz).


13. General provisions

40. If any provision of these GTC is held by a court of law to be unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

41. The information provided by the Site is valid between the parties. Elements such as the date and time of receipt or issue, as well as the quality of the data received, will take precedence as shown on the information systems of B&B HOTELS, unless the Member provides written proof. The scope of proof of information issued by the B&B HOTELS information systems is that accorded to an original in the sense of a written paper document, signed by hand.


14. Final provisions

42. These GTC shall be executed and interpreted in accordance with German law. In the event of a dispute, the Member should first contact the B&B HOTELS customer service to seek an amicable solution.

43. For any information or complaint, the B&B HOTELS customer service is at the Member's disposal by email by sending a request via the Contact form.

44. In accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013, the European Commission provides an online dispute resolution procedure on its online dispute resolution platform: B&B HOTELS is neither willing nor obliged to participate in any dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer conciliation board.