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  • Udine
  • 01 Mar. 202502 Mar. 2025
    01 Mar.02 Mar.
  • 1 room, 1 adult
  • 1 room, 1 guest

B&B Hotels in Udine, 1 hotel

Exploring Udine

Udine is an elegant city of art waiting to be discovered, between a stroll through the centre of town and a good glass of wine. Enjoy splendid views of the city from the hill of Udine Castle, take a walk along the characteristic porticoes of via Mercatovecchio or enjoy some of the well-known alcoholic beverages that the city has to offer.

Where to book in Udine

Are you looking for a reasonably-priced, high-quality hotel?Welcome to the B&B Hotel Udine! The B&B HOTEL Udine is close to Piazza I Maggio, in the very heart of the historic town centre and 2 kilometres from the railway station. It’s perfectly located for those wanting to visit the city on foot. Udine Castle, home to the municipal museum and the galleries of history and art, the Cathedral and the Loggia del Lionello are all within easy reach.

History and urbanism

Walk along the streets of the town centre until you reach the charm that is Piazza della Libertà, considered the “most beautiful Venetian square on the mainland”. A little further on is Piazza San Giacomo, a veritable open-air parlour, where the genuine residents of Udine meet mid-morning to enjoy a good glass of wine: it's the ritual of the tajut (local dialect for glass of wine). Explore Cividale del Friuli with its Ponte del Diavolo (Devil's) Bridge, the beautiful stone construction that spans the Natisone River and that has inspired so many local stories and legends. Udine was once part of the Most Serene Republic of Venice, and the influence of Venice also made itself felt in the cultural and artistic life of the time.


In the historic city centre you will be able to take a walk and discover buildings and monuments that are steeped in history. Places such as the Loggia del Lionello and Udine Castle, from where you will be able to take in the views overlooking the city’s rooftops and out towards the mountains. The area has an abundance of parks, rivers and pathways, such as that of the villages and mills situated along the Stella River. There is also a cycling path running from Udine to Cividale del Friuli: 80 kilometres surrounded by greenery.


Are you a lover of the arts and painting? Visit the Casa Cavazzini Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, with its different collections of modern art. Udine is also the city of Tiepolo who planted his masterpieces in the city’s churches and buildings: the Salone del Trionfo dei Cristiani (the Room of the Christians’ Triumph) located inside the Castle is something not to be missed. If, on the other hand, you are in the centre of town, then visit Udine's oldest monument: the Loggia del Lionello which is located in the pulsating heart of the city, along with the Little Temple of Saint John and the Clock Tower.


Music, film, theatre: there are festivals to see and hear, to suit all ages! Your stay in Udine might also coincide with Udin&Jazz, Friuli DOC and, on 25 November, the Fair of St. Catherine - all of which will provide you with unforgettable memories.