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General terms and conditions - B&B HOTELS Club loyalty program in Portugal

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General Terms and Conditions - B&B HOTELS Club Loyalty  Programme in Portugal


Last updated: 27/01/2025


1. Identity of the service provider 

The purpose of these general conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “General Conditions”) is  to regulate the rights and obligations of the members of the B&B HOTELS Club Loyalty  Programme (hereinafter referred to as the “Members”). The B&B HOTELS Club Loyalty  Programme service is managed and provided by: 

- CBBHP - HOTELS IN PORTUGAL, SA, a Portuguese company with registered offices at Rua  Vasco da Gama 5, parish of Moscavide e Portela, municipality of Loures 2685-244 Loures  (Portugal), registered with the Commercial Registry Office of Lisbon under the single registration  and legal person number 514 820 705, hereinafter referred to as “B&B HOTELS”. 

B&B HOTELS offers its members a customer service centre, accessible by telephone and e-mail,  by sending a request via the contact form (hereinafter referred to as the “Contact Form”). 

2. Purpose and scope 

These General Conditions shall apply to the performance of the agreement for the provision of  services entered into remotely as part of the subscription to the B&B HOTELS Club Loyalty  Programme (hereinafter referred to as the “subscription”).  

B&B HOTELS offers its Members a subscription to the B&B HOTELS Club Loyalty Programme via website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) and its  mobile application (hereinafter referred to as the “Mobile Application”), dedicated to booking  hotel services. 

By subscribing to the B&B HOTELS Club Loyalty Programme, the Member unreservedly accepts  these General Conditions. B&B HOTELS may amend the General Conditions at any time. Each  new version of the General Conditions is applicable from the moment it is posted online on the  website, to subscriptions or renewals made after that date, so you should print and keep a copy  of the General Conditions as we do not archive them. 

3. Eligibility conditions for subscription  

To remain a Member, the customer must: 

● Be at least eighteen (18) years old and/or have legal capacity;

● Be a legal resident in Portugal; 

● Have a valid personal email address (sharing an email address between two members is  not authorised); 

● Have created and maintain a B&B account on the website under the conditions set out in  clause 4.1 of these General Conditions. 

Both professional customers and consumers can register as Members, within the meaning of the  applicable legislation: 

● A consumer customer is any natural person acting for purposes that are not part of their  commercial, industrial, craft or professional activity. 

● Professional customer: any natural or legal person, public or private, who acts, including  through any other person in their name or on their behalf, for purposes related to their  commercial, industrial, craft or professional activity. 

4. B&B HOTELS Club registration 

B&B HOTELS customers must register as members of the B&B HOTELS Club programme via the  website or the B&B HOTELS App, available in French, English,  Portuguese, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian and Danish. 

4.1 First step: Create an account to register  

If they do not already have a digital account, B&B HOTELS customers must create an account in  their personal B&B HOTELS Club area (hereinafter referred to as “account”). This will give  them access to the B&B HOTELS Club and access to the B&B HOTELS Club offer, and they  must provide the information required for this. This information must be complete,  accurate, not misleading and updated by sending a request via the Contact Form. B&B  HOTELS reserves the right to ask the member to confirm their identity, eligibility and the  information provided by any appropriate means. 

Members must use their account access credentials in a personal and confidential manner and  keep them secret. Members undertake to protect their access credentials, including their  password, to prevent any misuse by third parties. 

The Member is solely responsible for any action taken on their account. 

B&B HOTELS is not, to the extent permitted by applicable law, liable under any circumstances  for the misrepresentation of a Member’s identity. Any access and action taken from a Member’s  account is presumed to have been carried out by the Member, as B&B HOTELS has no obligation  or technical means to verify the identity of the persons accessing the account. 

Any unauthorised connection to a Member’s account and its consequences are the sole  responsibility of the Member, who must immediately inform B&B HOTELS via the Contact Form  as soon as they become aware of any unauthorised access to their account.

4.2 Acceptance of the General Conditions 

Once you have created an account and joined the B HOTELS Club Loyalty Programme, B&B  HOTELS will check that you have subscribed and transferred all of these general conditions. 

Once read, these General Conditions must be accepted by clicking on “I have read and accept  the General Conditions of the B HOTELS Club Loyalty Programme - continue and pay” in order  to extract the subscription. The General Conditions in force at the time of subscription are  attached to the subscription confirmation email

4.3 Confirmation of subscription and payment of  the price. 

B&B HOTELS customers have the opportunity to check the details of their membership  subscription, its total price and to correct any errors before confirming the renewal of their  account. It is therefore up to the B&B HOTELS customer to check the accuracy of the subscription  before finalising the subscription and paying the fee. 

B&B HOTELS will confirm receipt of the subscription to the B&B HOTELS Club Loyalty Programme by email, to which the general conditions in force at the time of subscription are attached. 

This confirmation of receipt by e-mail will always include the Member’s identification number.  This number is strictly personal and is associated with the Member’s name. Membership cannot  be transferred or assigned. It is expressly stated that only one membership per person will be  considered. Only members with a current subscription can benefit from the programme’s  advantages. 

5. Description of the services covered by the subscription 

The subscription allows the subscribing Member to access, through his/her B&B HOTELS Club account, the B&B HOTELS Club Loyalty Programme and the advantages described below  (hereinafter, the “Programme”). 

5.1 Conditions for access to B&B HOTELS CLUB Loyalty Programme benefits 

The benefits are valid at B&B HOTELS in the participating countries: France, Spain, Italy, Germany,  Belgium, Switzerland, Hungary, Portugal and Austria. To take advantage of these benefits,  Members must log in to their digital account or provide their name and e-mail address or ID  number at the hotel reception. 

The benefits are only valid for stays booked at B&B HOTELS hotels in a participating country via  the website, by telephone or at the hotel reception (hereinafter referred to as the “direct  channel”). 

All stays booked through an external reseller, tour operator or third-party travel agency (such as,, etc.) will NOT be eligible to benefit from the programme’s  advantages.

Any room paid for directly at a hotel reservation terminal, without prior booking, using the  member’s ID number, will NOT benefit from the advantages of the programme.  

5.2 The advantages 

5.2.1 Discounts 

Any subscription as a Member entitles you to: 

- A 10 percent discount on room rates (except promotional rates, private sales offers and  special offers) and breakfast, effective at the time of booking, all year round, seven days  a week. This discount applies from the moment of arrival at the booked hotel and cannot  be combined with special rates, special offers and/or seasonal promotions or reductions. 

- A 5 percent discount on the reduced room rate and a 10 percent discount on breakfast,  valid at the time of booking, all year round, seven days a week. This discount applies on  arrival at the booked hotel. 

Please note that the discounts of the B&B HOTELS Club Loyalty Programme can NOT be  combined with the promotional offers of the B&B HOTELS Club Loyalty Programme (in particular  the limited price for booking a room in the new member hotels). 

5.2.2 Redeeming accumulated points Accumulated points 

A stay in a B&B HOTEL contributes to the accumulation of B&B HOTELS Club points, which allow  the Member to benefit from one or more vouchers (hereinafter “voucher”). Only the stays of a  Member who has made a booking via the direct channel (hereinafter “valid stays”) are considered  valid. 

Members earn one hundred (100) points for each valid stay (not cancelled or refunded), for a  room, with the exception of rooms paid for by voucher. The one hundred (100) points will be  added to the Member’s account within seventy-two (72) hours of the end of the stay. If the  Member books two or more rooms for the same night, points will only be accrued for the room  they occupy. 

The total number of points can be consulted by the Member via their account. Members will also  have access, via their account, to a summary list of the stays they have accumulated at a B&B  HOTEL. This summary list shall be deemed accurate and complete unless the member objects in  writing within four (4) weeks of the date of their last stay. The summary list will be updated within  five (5) working days of the last day of the Member’s stay in a B&B HOTEL. 

Account access data and accumulated points may under no circumstances be transferred, sold  or combined with the accounts of other Members. 

Under no circumstances can points be converted into monetary value and they do not confer  any right to reimbursement. Period of validity of points 

The points credited to the Member’s account will be valid until thirty (30) days after the date on  which the subscription expires. If the Member does not renew their subscription within this thirty  (30) day period, the unconverted points will be definitively lost. 

However, Members have the right to renew their subscription up to thirty (30) days after the date  on which it expires. In this case, the points will not be lost and will be accumulated with future  points until the next date on which the membership expires. Point conversion 

When the Member has accumulated the minimum number of points required, they can convert  them into a voucher by logging into their account. Your voucher will then be available in your  account. 

- When the Member has accumulated three hundred (300) points, they can benefit from a  voucher for a free breakfast at any B&B HOTELS hotel in a country participating in the B&B  HOTELS CLUB. 

- When the Member has accumulated five hundred (500) points, they can benefit from a  voucher for two free breakfasts at any B&B HOTELS hotel in a country participating in the  B&B HOTELS CLUB. 

- When the Member has accumulated one thousand (1000) points, they can benefit from a  voucher worth up to 60 euros to use in any B&B HOTELS hotel in a country participating  in the B& CLUB. Only one voucher can be used per room reservation. 

Validation of vouchers is subject to room availability at the hotel. Stays paid for by voucher will  not accumulate points. 

Vouchers cannot be used for a booking for the same day on the website. They can, however, be  used to book directly with the hotel. 

Vouchers are valid for twelve (12) months from the date of issue. Members can use their voucher  in two ways:  

- On the website by entering the voucher number when confirming their purchase, - or by presenting it at the hotel desk. 

The voucher is considered used when the booking made with the voucher has been confirmed  (online or when it has been entered into the electronic booking system by the hotel reception  staff) and the check-in procedure has been completed on arrival at the hotel reception. 

The voucher can only be cancelled and refunded if the cancellation conditions of the booking in  question allow it.  

By subscribing, the member agrees to receive electronic communications regarding the  operation and services offered by the programme (information messages, points balance, etc.).

5. 3. Non-transferable benefits 

With the exception of vouchers, the benefits of the programme are personal and non transferable. 

Discounts can only be applied to bookings made by the Member for their own stay. 6. Date of entry into force of the subscription 

The subscription agreement is deemed to have been concluded and enters into force on the date  of acceptance of these General Conditions and payment of the subscription price. From that date,  the Member shall benefit from the services covered by the Subscription Agreement. 

7. Agreement duration 

The Subscription Agreement is deemed to be entered into for a period of one (1) year from the  date on which the agreement takes effect, unless terminated by either party under the terms and  conditions of Clause 11. 

The Member may renew the subscription agreement within thirty (30) days of the date on which  the Subscription Agreement expires. 

In the event of renewal of the Subscription Agreement, the points accumulated in the programme  will be kept. However, if the Member does not renew the Subscription Agreement within the  stipulated period, the agreement will not be automatically renewed and the remaining points will  be definitively lost. 

8. Fees and payment terms 

The subscription price is thirty-nine (39) euros, plus any taxes that may be applicable on the date  of subscription or renewal (hereinafter referred to as the “subscription price”). 

Any change in the applicable rate may have an impact on the amount of the subscription price. 

The renewal of the Subscription Agreement will generate the obligation for the Member to pay a  new subscription price to continue benefiting from the services of the programme, for a new  period of one (1) year. 

When you renew your subscription as a Member, payment will be made by credit/debit card  (Visa, Mastercard), payment account (PayPal) or Apple pay. 

When the subscription is renewed, payment will be made by direct debit on the renewal date,  using the bank card registered by default. 

If payment of the subscription by direct debit fails due to a problem with the Member’s means of  payment (expired credit card, for example), the Member has 30 days to communicate a new  valid means of payment to B&B HOTELS customer service. Otherwise, the subscription  agreement may be terminated unilaterally by B&B HOTELS.

9. Right of withdrawal 

In accordance with Article 10 of Decree-Law no. 24/2014of 14 February, Members who are  consumers have the right to withdraw from the agreement within a cooling-off period of fourteen  (14) days after the conclusion of the distance agreement, without having to give any reason or  incur any costs.  

In accordance with Article 11 of the aforementioned Decree-Law no. 24/2014, Members may  exercise their right of withdrawal by sending the attached cancellation form to B&B HOTELS  customer service or by making any other unequivocal declaration of withdrawal from the  agreement.  

In the event that the right of withdrawal is exercised by a Member who has not received any  benefit from membership, B&B HOTELS shall reimburse the entire fee paid no later than fourteen  (14) days after receipt by B&B HOTELS of the Member’s request to exercise the right of  withdrawal. B&B HOTELS will refund the amount using the same means of payment used by the  Member to register, unless the Member expressly consents to the refund using another means of  payment and insofar as the refund does not give rise to any costs for the Member. If the Member  has received any benefit from the membership during the period of free resolution, B&B HOTELS  will reimburse the amount of the membership fee paid minus the amount corresponding to the  benefit enjoyed and, if the latter is greater than the amount of the membership fee paid, the  Member must pay B&B HOTELS the difference. 

10. Members’ obligations 

Each Member undertakes not to cause any disturbance to public order, to comply with the laws  and regulations in force, to respect the rights of third parties and to comply with the provisions  of these General Conditions. 

In particular, each Member shall be obliged to: 

- Behave fairly and loyally towards B&B HOTELS; 

- Be honest and truthful in the information provided to B&B HOTELS. 

- Use the membership features in accordance with their purpose, as described in these  General Conditions; 

- Not to misuse the programme to commit crimes or offences punishable by criminal law  or any other law; 

- Respect the privacy of third parties and the confidentiality of correspondence;  - Respect B&B HOTELS’ intellectual property rights over elements of the programme; - Not to modify the information placed online by B&B HOTELS; 

- Not to disseminate data that has the effect of diminishing, disorganising, slowing down or  interrupting the normal operation of the programme or the website. 

Members undertake not to behave in a manner contrary to accepted standards of morality or  public order, nor to commit any act of vandalism, damage or nuisance in the context of the  benefits of the programme obtained within the framework of their membership/subscription.

Members use the features of the Programme accessible on the website and via the Mobile  Application under their sole and exclusive responsibility. 

11. Termination of membership 

11.1 Termination of membership at the initiative of the Member 

Members may terminate their membership/subscription before the expiry date of the  subscription agreement if B&B HOTELS fails to fulfil its obligation to provide the services covered  by the agreement. 

Members may terminate their membership/subscription at any time, without any grounds  whatsoever, but any such termination shall not entail any refund.  

Members can request cancellation via their B&B HOTELS Club account.  

Termination of the agreement entails the loss of all unused benefits related to the programme  from the date of receipt of the termination request. 

11.2 Termination of membership at the initiative of B&B HOTELS 

B&B HOTELS may terminate membership in the event of non-compliance by the Member with  the obligations arising from these General Conditions, which may be due in particular to non payment of the membership fee, fraudulent behaviour by the Member or non-compliance with  the conditions for joining the programme listed in Clause 3 (lack of legal capacity, etc.).  

B&B HOTELS reserves the right to check the use of the programme and compliance with the rules  of these General Conditions at any time. In the event of cancellation of membership at the  initiative of B&B HOTELS in the cases mentioned above, all points accumulated by the Member  will be forfeited. 

12. Liability 

B&B HOTELS shall not be held liable if it proves that the failure to comply with or improper  execution of these General Conditions was due to the Member, the acts of third parties or force  majeure, under the terms of the applicable Portuguese law. 

13. Protection of personal data 

B&B HOTELS collects and processes the personal data of its members in accordance with the  applicable regulations on the protection of personal data and, in particular, with EU Regulation  2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 and Law 58/2019 of 8  August. 

In accordance with applicable regulations, Members have the right to access and rectify their  personal data. In accordance with the law, they can also request the erasure of their data, 

portability or restriction of the processing of their data and, where appropriate, object to the  processing of their data/withdraw your consent. 

For more information on how B&B HOTELS processes your data and how the above rights can  be exercised, please consult our Privacy Policy

14. Intellectual property 

These General Conditions do not imply any transfer of property rights, including intellectual  property rights, over the elements belonging to B&B HOTELS in favour of the Member; the  Member undertakes, in any case, not to act in a way that could harm or compromise, directly or  otherwise, the intellectual property rights of B&B HOTELS. 

In this regard, it is specified that the content of the website, the general structure and brands,  designs, animated or non-animated images, texts, photographs, logos, graphics, software and  programmes, search engines, databases, sounds, videos, domain names, design and all the other  elements that make up the articles and the website, or any other information that appears on it,  without limitation, are the exclusive property of B&B HOTELS or are licensed to partners or third  parties, and are protected by intellectual property rights that are or will be recognised by current  legislation. 

Any reproduction and/or display, in whole or in part, of any of these elements without the express  authorisation of B&B HOTELS is prohibited and will constitute, in particular and not exclusively,  an infringement of B&B HOTELS’ intellectual property rights. 

15. General provisions 

If a provision of these General Conditions is deemed illegal or unenforceable by a court decision,  the remaining provisions shall remain in force. 

The information provided by the website is official and binding between the parties.  Elements such as the date and time of receipt or issue, as well as the quality of the data received,  will be prioritised as official and binding as they appear in B&B HOTELS’ information systems,  unless there is written proof to the contrary. The scope of proof for information from B&B  HOTELS’ information systems is that recognised in the original document written on paper and  signed by hand. 

16. Litigation 

16.1 For consumer members 

These General Conditions shall be executed and interpreted in accordance with Portuguese law.  In the event of a dispute, the Member should contact B&B HOTELS customer service as a priority  in order to reach an agreement. 

Please note that for any information or complaints, B&B HOTELS’ customer service is available to  Members by e-mail, by sending a request via the Contact Form.

Any dispute that may arise from the interpretation and/or execution of these General Conditions  shall be submitted to the Portuguese Courts where the Member is habitually resident, without  prejudice to alternative dispute resolution and consumer mechanisms. 

In the event of a dispute, the Member may also have recourse to the following Dispute Resolution  Entities: 

(i) Consumer Conflict Arbitration Centre of the District of Coimbra Tel.: 239821690. E-mail:

(ii) Lisbon Consumer Conflict Arbitration Centre Tel.: 218807030. E-mail:

(iii) Porto Consumer Information and Arbitration Centre Tel.: 225508349; E-mail:

(iv) Vale do Ave Consumer Conflict Arbitration Centre 

/Arbitration Court Tel.: 253422410; E-mail:

For more information see the Consumer Portal at 

If there are no alternative dispute resolution body(ies) or the existing one(s) do not consider  themselves competent due to the value of the dispute, the consumer can turn to the National  Centre for Information and Arbitration of Consumer Conflicts, located in Lisbon, with the email  address: and available at  

In accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No 524/2013, the European Commission allows  an online dispute resolution procedure through its online dispute resolution platform: 

16.2 For professional members 

The Parties shall use their best endeavours to settle by agreement any dispute arising between  them regarding the interpretation, execution or termination of these General Conditions.