Discover the Berlin TV Tower
The Spree metropolis offers visitors a colorful hodgepodge of history, architecture, art and culture. From the much-visited Checkpoint Charlie at the entrance to the former GDR, to Berlin Cathedral, the Brandenburg Gate and the capital's many worthwhile museums, right up to the Berlin Wall, there is certainly no chance of boredom here. In addition, you should not miss the opportunity to visit one of the most important landmarks in German television history. Located directly in Berlin's city center, the famous tower is located in the Park am Fernsehturm and still attracts numerous national and international visitors today. The tower was built between 1965 and 1969 by Deutsche Post. At the time of its opening on October 3, 1969, it was considered the second tallest television tower in the world, towering over the old Berlin Radio Tower in Berlin's Westend district by a full 220 meters. While the tower was initially regarded as a national symbol of the GDR, it has stood for a strong, united Berlin, especially since German reunification. As such, the tower not only serves as a huge radio and television transmitter, but also inspires far beyond Germany's borders with its timeless design, the breathtaking viewing floor and the revolving restaurant and highest bar in the city, which beckons at dizzying heights.