Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a way of managing companies based on managing the impacts that their activity generates on their customers, employees, shareholders, local communities, the environment and society in general. Discover all the initiatives we have in B&B Hotels Spain!
Pursuing the objectives we have listed above, in 2018, B&B Hotels obtained in its first candidacy the Great Place to Work certification, being recognised as the fourth best company to work for in Spain in its category. The Great Place to Work certification highlights the commitment and involvement of B&B Hotels in Human Resources and the great value given to the entire team that is part of the hotel chain.
Through this certification, we are joining the cultural transformation of companies. Our goal? To improve the working environment so that the team feels happy.
In short, we care for and give great value to the entire team that is part of our hotel chain. We want the fact of coming to work not to be perceived as a burden, but as a special, fun and happy moment.
Now you feel like working, right?
According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), there are a number of circumstances that continue to impede equal opportunities in the world of work. At B&B HOTELS we firmly believe in diversity, in the promotion of equal opportunities and in the fight against discrimination.
In fact, in our meritocratic business model we offer equal opportunities to everyone, giving the possibility to grow up to management positions to the whole team. While for many companies diversity and inclusion is a challenge, at B&B Hotels we have been working on this model for many years; a model that we believe can only enrich and add value at all levels.
Employees of B&B Hotels can say that we are really proud to belong to an organisation that is diverse, inclusive and committed to society.
If you also share this philosophy, join the B&B team!
Happy companies, yes! it's a reality. At B&B Hotels we promote a happy environment for our employees. Our aim is to make more and more people happy in the place where they work, promoting not only the happiness of our employees but also their well-being in the workplace.
Did you know that a happy employee has all these benefits?
+ 37% increase in sales
+ 31% productivity
+ 19% effectiveness
+ 86% creativity
- 55% staff turnover
- 52% turnover costs
- Reduction of illnesses
At B&B Hotels, we have been carrying out activities to be a happy company for several years and we are committed to the happiness and well-being of our work teams.
And you? What are you doing to be happy?
At B&B Hotels we are not satisfied. Our employees are characterised by their "hunger" to grow professionally, to excel every day and to constantly achieve new challenges. For this reason and because we always want to improve, we work with the "Rockefeller" method.
Scaling Up is a growth methodology that focuses on the 4 fundamental pillars that make up companies: TEAM, STRATEGY, EXECUTION and EFFECTIVENESS.
We know that great companies are not born overnight. We are of the philosophy that to succeed you have to have a strategic plan and Rockefeller Habits helps us move beyond the threshold of survival into the big leagues of business development.
Our employees are our greatest asset. That is why at B&B Hotels we apply a satisfaction survey to our employees to find out how they feel about working with us.
At B&B Hotels it is extremely important for us to know the opinions of those who know us from the inside. We strive to keep not only our customers but also our employees satisfied.
We want everyone who is part of B&B Hotels to feel comfortable with us! In fact, we are rated 66 by our employees, which is considered an excellent result. NPS ratings can range from -100 to 100. If the score is between 0 and 50, the level of loyalty and loyalty is considered to be good. If the score is above +50, it is considered excellent and employees feel very proud of the company they work for.
At B&B Hotels we are committed to promoting a safe working environment that respects the dignity, individual freedom and fundamental rights of everyone in our organisation. Therefore, we have implemented a Compliance Programme, assuming a total commitment to business ethics and regulatory compliance. Our tolerance for any regulatory non-compliance and especially corruption, competition, antitrust and abuse of dominant position is zero and we all respect, follow and are committed to the principles of our Code of Conduct.
We have at our disposal the necessary policies and procedures, which let us know how to act when there is a situation of sexual harassment, corruption, immorality with regard to gifts and hospitality, practices that distort or are intended to distort competition in a substantial way, as well as any kind of conflict of interest.
In addition, as part of this compliance programme, we have established a Modern Slavery Policy (MSA) together with a specific Code of Conduct for suppliers and business partners that commits us to comply with the guiding principles of the Organisation for Economic Development (OECD), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact.
We are confident that this commitment on everyone's part makes our workplace that much better!
Do you know what are some of the actions we do in B&B focused on our employees? We tell you!
At B&B Hotels we form the best team!
Because at B&B Hotels we believe in a better world, we have launched a unique initiative in our hotels, becoming the first hotel chain that eliminates plastic from all their rooms. Thanks to this action we are able to save 52,000 kg of plastic every year. Join us!
At B&B Hotels Spain and Portugal we have managed to eliminate 100% of disposable plastics in our rooms. We are changing to make your stay more sustainable! Below, we tell you about all the measures we are taking to be Plastic Free:
Do you want to join us?
As you know one of our main concerns at B&B Hotels is the environment. If you are going to stay more than one night with us, we give you the option of refusing to clean your room to contribute to the environment, in return you will get a free breakfast. A choice you will be able to make while you check in!
The possibility of dispensing with the daily cleaning of the rooms is the right way to move towards sustainable tourism. Thanks to this action we are succeeding in reducing the consumption of water and electricity and reducing the emission of cleaning products. So, if you want to opt for a less regular service, either because you prefer not to be disturbed or because you care about the environment, just tell us at reception.
We only have one world, take care of it!
*B&B Hotels in Madrid Fuencarral 46, Madrid Fuencarral 52, Madrid Plaza Mayor, Madrid Puerta del Sol and Tarragona do not offer breakfast. Therefore, they cannot offer the Be eco option.
Urban transport is responsible for 30% of all CO2 emissions. Another of the initiatives we have implemented at B&B Hotels are chargers for electric cars. Our customers will be able to recharge their vehicles free of charge. You will find two charger units in each of our car parks; one exclusive for Tesla customers, and another for all electric vehicles with a Type 2 connector.
We are convinced that the world must be more sustainable. At B&B Hotels we are committed to the environment, as well as to innovation and technology. In addition, our guests are everything to us and we think about the benefits it can bring them. We are very proud to be one of the hotel chains in Spain that offers this type of service to its clients.
In short, our goal with the implementation of these initiatives is to fight for a better world and make the guest feel at home, have a unique stay and take the best memory of their stay in our hotels.
We are waiting for you with your electric car!
The water footprint is an environmental indicator that measures the global volume of fresh water in litres or cubic metres. Water is one of our most precious commodities and at B&B Hotels we want to encourage responsible water use. According to our hypothesis, each year we manage to consume 115 million litres less water. Below, we detail all the actions we are carrying out to reduce our water footprint:
We believe that this is the right way to move towards sustainable tourism! Are you up for it?
We reinforce our commitment to sustainability with the installation of photothermal solar panels, heat recovery systems and by replacing all conventional light bulbs with LED bulbs.
Thanks to the installation of photothermal solar panels we have achieved cost savings and reduced CO2 emissions by 200 tonnes per year.
We also use heat recovery units that allow us to use the waste heat from the cooling of the hotel to heat the sanitary water and renew the air in the building efficiently.
As for LED lights, we have more than 3,000 rooms in our hotels and in each room we have an average of 7 bulbs. This allows us to emit around 400 tonnes of CO2 less per year. A very simple change with a great impact.
In addition, our hotels are a light bulb recycling point, so anyone, whether or not a guest of our hotels, can come and recycle all the light bulbs that are no longer in use.
Our objective with the implementation of these initiatives is to produce clean and environmentally friendly energy from sunlight and air. It is the sum of each action that makes the difference in the end and at B&B Hotels we are not lagging behind.
Let's fight global warming!
Did you know that to produce an average of 12,000 sheets of paper is needed, the cellulose of a single tree on average and according to research, it takes 15 trees to make a ton of paper? In order to preserve our forests, at B&B Hotels we are Paperless, meaning that in our offices we do not use paper and if we use, we will make the minimum use. Here are some of the actions we have taken:
In addition, the benefits of eliminating paper are innumerable:
You can also help us to improve our world!
More and more individuals, companies, associations, institutions, organizations of different types, cities and towns are betting on the conservation of the biodiversity of our Planet, but we still have a lot to do. Since 2019, at B&B Hotels we have joined the "Earth Hour" initiative every year. Every year, on the night of 30 March, between 20:30h and 21:30h, we symbolically turn off the lights in all our receptions, common rooms and outdoor areas.
Earth Hour was first celebrated on 31 March 2007 in Sydney, Australia. It is estimated that from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 a.m. between 2.1 % and 10.2 % was saved. About 2.2 million people participated. The U.S. city of San Francisco was inspired by this idea and led people to participate and observe the beauty of the night sky, without the interference of Lights Out' light.
Moved by the accomplishments, Earth Hour organizers did the same in 2008, between 8:00 and 9:00 pm. 34 countries and 400 cities from around the world participated. Since then, every year the results are better.
Don't hesitate and join the next one!