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  • Passau
  • 25 Mar. 202526 Mar. 2025
    25 Mar.26 Mar.
  • 1 room, 1 adult
  • 1 room, 1 guest

Passau, 1 hotel

The city of three rivers with Venetian flair

Use the B&B Hotel Passau as a base to explore the city of three rivers. The university city of Passau is located at the point where the Donau, Inn and Ilz rivers meet, and offers Mediterranean flair, steep stairs and narrow alleyways in its uniquely Baroque Old Town. Pay a visit to attractions such as the Oberhausmuseum in the Veste Oberhaus, or admire the world’s largest church organ in the St. Stephan Cathedral. There is so much to discover here!

Worth Seeing