Last updated : 13/08/2024
B&B HOTELS, a société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint stock company) under French law, with its registered office at 271 rue du Général Paulet, 29200, Brest (France), registered in the Brest Trade and Companies Register under no. 378 047 500.
B&B DREAMLAND HOTEL, a société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint stock company) under French law, with its registered office at 271 rue du Général Paulet, 29200, Brest (France), registered in the Brest Trade and Companies Register under no. 808 416 960.
TANDEM SAS, a société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint stock company) under French law, with its registered office at 9 boulevard Romain Rolland 75014 Paris (France), registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under no. 908 119 746.
B&B TAKEOVER, a société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint stock company) under French law, with its registered office at 271 rue du Général Paulet, 29200, Brest (France), registered in the Brest Trade and Companies Register under no. 904 728 649.
CBBHP - HOTELS IN PORTUGAL, S.A., a limited company incorporated under Portuguese law, with its registered office at Rua Vasco da Gama 5, parish of Moscavide and Portela, municipality of Loures 2685-244 Loures (Portugal), registered in the Lisbon Trade Register under no. 514 820 705.
W.E. I ALICANTE, SOCIEDAD LIMITADA, a limited liability company incorporated under Spanish law, having its registered office at Calle Luis Pasteur S/N, San Sebastián de los Reyes (28703), Madrid (B&B Hotel Madrid Aeropuerto T4) (Spain), registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid under number B84679935 (Hoja M-404571, Tomo 36216, Folio 209).
WE I VALENCIA SAN LUIS HOTEL, SOCIEDAD LIMITADA, a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Spain, having its registered office at Calle Luis Pasteur S/N, San Sebastián de los Reyes (28703), Madrid (B&B Hotel Madrid Aeropuerto T4) (Spain), registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid under number B84680024 (Hoja M-404570, Tomo 37280, Folio 209).
B&B HOSPITALITY ESPAÑA, S.L., a limited liability company under Spanish law, with registered offices at Calle Luis Pasteur S/N, San Sebastián de los Reyes (28703), Madrid (B&B Hotel Madrid Aeropuerto T4) (Spain), registered in the Madrid Commercial Register under number B66209693 (Hoja M-684467, Tomo 38485, Folio 105).
B&B HOTELS GERMANY GMBH, a limited liability company under German law, with registered office at Altkönigstraße 10, 65239 Hochheim am Main (Germany), registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court of Wiesbaden under no. HRB 31371.
B&B HOTELS ITALIA S.P.A, a joint stock company under Italian law, with registered office at Via Domenichino, 19 - 20149 Milano (Italy), registered with the Milan Chamber of Commerce under no. 6291950969
B&B HOTELS SWITZERLAND GMBH, a limited liability company under Swiss law, with registered office at Cours des Bastions 5, 1205 Geneva (Switzerland) c/o Olivier Brunisholz, attorney-at-law, registered with the Geneva Commercial Register under no. CHE-422.607.448
B&B HOTELS BELGIUM, a limited liability company under Belgian law, with registered office at Place Marcel Broodthaers 8 (REGUS Brussels South Station - South Center Titanium), 1060 Saint-Gilles (Belgium), registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (ECB) under no. 0693.764.388, (Telephone: +32 2 892 39 00 - E-mail address: - IBAN: BE57001833594535)
B&B HOTELS HUNGARY KFT, a limited liability company under Hungarian law, with registered office at Fiastyúk utca 4-8 2. em., Budapest 1139 (Hungary), registered with the Companies Registry under no. 01-09-333861,
B&B HOTELS LJUBLJANA, TURIZEM IN HOTELIRSTVO, D.O.O., a limited liability company under Slovenian law, with registered office at Tabor 9, 1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia), registered in the Slovenian Commercial Register under no. 8292965000,
B&B HOTELS AUSTRIA GMBH, a limited liability company under Austrian law, with its registered office at pA CCFA, Am Heumarkt 10 1030 Vienna (Austria), registered in the Vienna Commercial Register under number FN 461990 y ;
hereinafter referred to as "B&B HOTELS" or the "company".
be at least eighteen (18) years old and/or have legal capacity;
be a French resident ;
have a valid personal e-mail address (it is not permitted for two members to share the same e-mail address);
and have created an account B&me account on the site under the conditions set out in article 4.1 of these general terms and conditions
consumer customer means any natural person who is acting for purposes which are outside the scope of his or her commercial, industrial, craft, liberal or agricultural activity;
professional customer means any natural or legal person, public or private, acting for purposes relating to its commercial, industrial, craft, liberal or agricultural activity, including when acting in the name and on behalf of another professional.
10% discount on room rates (excluding promotional rates, private sales offers and special offers) and breakfast, in force at the time of booking, all year round, seven days a week. This discount is applicable from the moment of arrival at the hotel booked and cannot be combined with special rates, special offers and/or promotions or seasonal discounts.
5% discount on the reduced room rate rooms and 10% discount on breakfast, valid at the time of booking, all year round, seven days a week. This discount applies from the moment of arrival at the hotel booked.
Discounts under the B&me Club programme cannot be combined with promotional offers under the B&me loyalty programme (in particular the limited price for booking a room in new participating hotels).
When the member has accumulated three hundred (300) points, he/she can benefit from a voucher for a free breakfast in any B&B HOTELS located in a country participating in B&me CLUB.
When the Member has accumulated five hundred (500) points, he/she can benefit from a voucher for two free breakfasts in any B&B HOTELS located in a country participating in B&me CLUB.
When the Member has accumulated one thousand (1000) points, he/she can receive a voucher with a maximum value of maximum value of €60 to be used in any B&B HOTELS located in a country participating in B&me CLUB. Only one voucher can be used per room reservation.
on the site, by entering the voucher number when validating their basket, or
by presenting it at the hotel desk.
Full reproduction of articles L.215-1-1, L.215-3 and L.241-3 of the French Consumer Code.
Article L 215-1-1 of the French Consumer Code : Where a contract has been concluded electronically or by any other means and the trader, on the day of termination by the consumer, offers the consumer the possibility of concluding contracts electronically, termination shall be made possible by this means.
To this end, the trader shall provide the consumer with a free facility enabling him to give notice and take the necessary steps to terminate the contract electronically. Where the consumer gives notice of termination of the contract, the trader shall confirm receipt of the notice and inform the consumer, on a durable medium and within a reasonable period of time, of the date on which the contract ends and the effects of the termination. In particular, a decree shall lay down the technical procedures for ensuring that the consumer can be identified and that there is easy, direct and permanent access to the functionality referred to in the second paragraph, such as the procedures for its presentation and use. It shall determine the information to be provided by the consumer. Article L.215-3 of the Consumer Code : The provisions of this chapter also apply to contracts concluded between professionals and non-professionals. Article L 241-3 of the Consumer Code : Where the trader has not made the repayment in accordance with the conditions laid down in article L. 215-1, the sums due shall bear interest at the legal rate. |
(Please complete and return this form by post or via the contact form only if you wish to withdraw from the subscription contract in accordance with article L.221-18 of the French Consumer Code).
For the attention of :
B&B HOTELS- Customer service- 271, rue du Général Paulet, 29200 Brest
I hereby notify you that I am exercising my right to withdraw from the B&me Club subscription contract, in accordance with Article L.221-18 of the French Consumer Code:
Member's full name :
Member's address :
Subscription date :
Done at :
The :
Signature of member (only if this form is submitted on paper) :