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Terms of Use B&B HOTELS United Kingdom - Customer Reviews

PDF Version

Last update: 28/02/2024.

Terms of Use - Customer Reviews

Please read these Terms carefully

You agree to these terms of use (the “Terms”) by doing one or more of the following: (i) writing a Review (as defined below), or otherwise using our Service (as defined below); or (ii) clicking a box or button, or providing any other kind of positive affirmation that you agree to these Terms.

The Parties to these Terms

“customer”, “you” or “your” means the individual person receiving an invitation to write a Review, and submit a Review through the Service; and 

“B&B HOTELS”“we”“our” or “us” means B&B HOTELS UK LIMITED the company operating B&B HOTELS’ network in the UK and the hotel The Colnbrook Hotel London Heathrow Airport.



The feedback service is offered to customers that recently stayed in a Hotel located in the UK. You must be 18 years old or over to use the Service.

You must only submit true, accurate and complete feedback describing your genuine personal experience in one of our hotels.

We will publish your Review on our sites and our other platforms. We have automated systems and procedures to detect fake Reviews submitted through the Service. If we find any, we delete them and, if necessary, take action against whoever is responsible. We may delete any Review that does not comply with these Terms.

We reserve the right to make changes, suspend or cancel, the Service without prior notice. 

We may make changes to the Terms at any time without prior notice. Please read the Terms in effect when you use the Service.

B&B HOTELS and its survey partners are not responsible for the content of the Reviews. B&B HOTELS does not accept responsibility or liability for any Reviews. B&B HOTELS is a distributor (without any obligation to verify) and not a publisher of the reviews.




  1. What are these Terms Covering?

These Terms define the legal framework governing the submission and posting of Reviews on our Website (the “Service”). Your use of the Service is subject to  your acceptance of These Terms.  By accessing or using the Service, you agree to be bound by and to submit to these Terms as well as their modifications in force at the time of you submit the Review. 

  1. Changes to the Terms and the Service

We may modify these Terms at any time by posting a new version of the Terms of the customer review service on the B&B HOTELS website(s) (hereinafter the “B&B HOTELS Website”). You are invited to consult the conditions of use regularly in order to be aware of the modifications made. If you do not agree with the changes, please stop using the customer review service.

B&B HOTELS reserves the right to modify, suspend or cancel the Service, at any time, for any reason and without prior notice. 

  1. Overview of the Service & Your Obligations

3.1 How the Service Works

B&B HOTELS gives its customers the opportunity to leave a Review following their stay in one of the UK hotels (the “Hotel”) through a customer satisfaction questionnaire. 

The customer receives a link to a satisfaction questionnaire generated and powered by a surveys / feedback platform engaged by us (the “Survey Platform”). The questionnaire is sent to the e-mail address provided by the customers for the Hotel reservation. 

The customer has then the opportunity to fill in, and submit a feedback questionnaire to the Survey Platform about their recent stay in the Hotel (the “Review”).

The Reviews (powered by the Survey Platform) are posted on B&B Hotels Website. 

We will only display your first name and surname initial, with your Review, following the format of “Martin D”.

This Service does not include the provision of Internet access, the provision of a mailbox, nor the hosting of webpages.

Except in the instance of an unforeseen technical issue, access to Service (i.e., submission and posting of Reviews) is available 24 hours a day. However, we do not guarantee that the Service will be available at all times.

3.2 Customer's obligations 

You must comply with these Terms when using the Service and submitting Reviews.

By writing and submitting a Review, you confirm that: (i) your Review reflects the true experience of your stay and your genuine point of view about the Hotel subject to the review; and (ii) you are not, employed, engaged by or otherwise connected personally or professionally to the Hotel and that you have not received any compensation, financial or otherwise, from the Hotel to write this review.

In other words, your Review shall be a true feedback of your customer experience.

You must be 18 years old or over to use the Service.

3.2 Collection of reviews by B&B HOTELS

A few hours after leaving the Hotel, you will receive an invitation to submit a Review about your stay, with a link to the satisfaction questionnaire sent to the e-mail address you provided at the time of your reservation.

The link inviting you to submit a Review will expire after 30 days after is sent, and you will no longer be able to compose or submit a review through the link.

By submitting the Review, you grant us a licence to use, modify, publish and display the Review anywhere in the world, in any way, without any restriction and without any payment to you. You also agree that this licence allows us to share your Reviews with other companies or individuals for reasonable business purposes (e.g., for the purpose of promoting our business). 

You acknowledge and agree than the submission of a review will not entitle you to any compensation, financial or otherwise, from B&B Hotels.

3.3 We May Check Your Review

All Reviews you submit are subject to these Terms. B&B HOTELS reserves the right to not publish or to remove without notice, Reviews that break the rules of these Terms. 

We have automated systems and procedures to detect fake Reviews submitted through the Service. If we find any, we delete them and, if necessary, take action against whoever is responsible. We may delete any Review that does not comply with these Terms.

As the automatic systems may not able to detect all illicit content and in particular content infringing the rights of third parties, we reserve the right to manually check any Review, to ensure is in line with these Terms.

We also reserve the right to suspend or cancel your access to the Service, at any time, if you break these Terms.

The Service is not a social network or dating platform and you must not use It for such purpose. Therefore, any exchange or attempt to exchange contact information with other users through a Review will be breach of these Terms.

As part of the standardization process of our customer reviews (a posteriori moderation or follow-up surveys) B&B HOTELS reserves the right to contact you by email to verify the authenticity of the review.

B&B HOTELS provides users with a link, on digital platforms, allowing them to report a Review. The “report a review” link is located on the Review in question or through the contact form on the B&B HOTELS Website.

3.4 Rules of use

Yor are legally responsible for your Reviews and your use of the Service. You may only send a Review through our Service, if you recently stayed at one of our Hotels and received a survey invitation email to the email address you provided to us during your stay.

You must comply with all applicable laws including but not limited legislation related to:

  • the privacy of individuals;
  • intellectual and industrial property;
  • the protection of personal data;
  • compliance with the rules of public order concerning the content of online information, the secrecy of correspondence and the prohibition on intercepting electronic communications sent over the Internet.

You must not use the Service for fraudulent, ilegal or unlawful purposes, nor submit any infringing content through the Service. Furthermore, you must not submit Reviews with:

  • Ilegal, unlawful or fraudlent content;
  • Politically sensitive comments;
  • threats, abuse or references to violence,  Swear words, sexual, racial or discriminatory remarks;
  • Advertisement or other promotional information;
  • Personal data (e.g. names, card numbers phone numbers);
  • Spam and fake content;
  • Identity theft or impersonation (e.g. pretending your are someone else).

Furthermore, we may remove a Review when:

  • is poorly written to the point of being unintelligible;
  • does not describe your experience in our Hotel in line with these Terms;
  • is blank or does not contain any substantive title or textual content;

In the event we remove your Review, B&B HOTELS will try to inform you about this. 

3.5 Publication and reproduction of reviews and rating criteria

We will publish your Review on a dedicated page on the B&B HOTELS Website and mobile applications within a maximum period of 72 hours after you submitted the Review.

Reviews will be posted on the B&B HOTELS Website and mobile applications for a period of 24 months after their publication. Comments are displayed by default from most recent to least recent.

An overall score is displayed for each review. It corresponds to the score entered for the question about the stay in its entirety (Overall Score).

The hotel's overall rating (Global Score) includes all the ratings of customers who have completed the satisfaction questionnaire, and includes the ratings of reviews without a title or without textual content in the main comment. It is calculated using a special algorithm to rate a hotel. The most recent customer reviews are given a greater weight. The calculation is based on data over the last 24 months from all sources. This overall rating displayed is the actual rating. It is visualized by circles:


  • a score of 3 or 3.1 or 3.2/5 will be displayed as 3/5
  • a score of 3.3 or 3.4 or 3.5/5 will be displayed as 3.5/5
  • a score of 3.6 or 3.7/5 will be displayed as 3.5/5
  • a score of 3.8 or 3.9 or 4/5 will be displayed as 4/5

3.6 Reporting abuse on a Review and unpublishing

You may report a Review published on the B&B HOTELS’ Website if you consider its content to be abusive, illegal or in breach of these Terms.

You also have the opportunity to request the modification/deletion of your review or that of a third party by requesting so through the reporting tool included in each Review.

All changes or replacement of reviews lead to a new review submission process.

At the request of a hotelier, a review may be unpublished if it does not comply with these Terms. In all of these cases, the author of the Review will be notified.

The reporting of abuse is handled as follows:

1. The report tool flags the review (but this does not necessarily mean it will be withdrawn from publication)

2. The review or the hotelier’s response (the “Response”) will then be checked and investigated as required.

3. The author of the report may be contacted during the investigation period. During this period, the reported Review or the Response remains published.

4. the Review or the Response will be removed if it does not comply These Terms or any applicable law or regulation. 

In no event will B&B HOTELS be liable to repair the direct and/or indirect damages, material and/or immaterial, suffered by the user and/or third parties due to their use of the “Customer Reviews” application.

  1. B&B HOTELS’ liability

B&B HOTELS and its survey partners are not responsible for the content of the Reviews. B&B HOTELS does not accept responsibility or liability for any Reviews. B&B HOTELS is a distributor (without any obligation to verify) and not a publisher of the reviews.

We are responsible to you only for losses you suffer caused by us breaking these Terms, unless the loss is:

  • Unexpected. It was not obvious that it would happen and nothing you said to us we should have expected it (so, in the law, the loss was unforeseeable).
  • Caused by a delaying event outside our control.
  • Avoidable. Something you could have avoided by taking reasonable action, including following our reasonable instructions for use.
  • A business loss

The Service is provided “as is”. We do not guarantee the Service will be available at all times. 

  1. Privacy

When you access and use the Service, we collect and process, the personal data you provide to us (your name, date of birth, email address, booking details, etc.) or that are generated as a result of your access to Service and its use. For more details on how we collect and process your personal data, see our Privacy Notice, available at:

  1. Competent courts and applicable law

These terms are governed by English law and wherever you live you can bring claims against us in the English courts. If you live in Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland, you can also bring claims against us in the courts of the country you live in. We can claim against you in the courts of the country you live in. 

However, we would appreciate the chance to deal with your concerns before you make a complain or a claim. Please contact B&B HOTELS customer service and, if necessary, at:

• By e-mail:

  1. Enforcement & Non-Waiver

Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect. 


If B&B fails to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms, or if B&B does not enforce its rights against you, or if B&B delays in doing so, that will not mean that B&B has waived its rights against you and will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If B&B does waive a default by you, B&B will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that B&B will automatically waive any later default by you. 

  1. Changes to our Service 

We may update and change the whole or part of our Service at any time without notice to you. We may also suspend, withdraw or restrict the availability of all or part of our platform for business or operational reasons.

  1. Language  

All other communications and notices made under these Terms must be in English. We will have no responsibility or liability in respect of the content or accuracy of any translated versions of these Terms.