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Sustainability at B&B Hotel Ljubljana Park

The B&B Hotel Ljubljana Park is the greenest hotel in the center of Ljubljana. Indeed, we are making tangible upgrades to be part of the change: reducing water consumption, optimizing waste management, and collaborating with innovative realities, such as Avantcar, an electric transportation company. Moreover, our hotel focuses on protecting the ecosystem of the city. The hotel's roof hosts beehives, auto-producing healthy sugar substitutes and raising awareness of bees' importance in biodiversity. This unique project relies on an experienced Slovenian beekeeper since we intend to evolve in close contact with the local community, in respect of human and workers' rights. 

For further information, take a look at these documents:

Purchasing Policy 

Environmental Policy

Quality and Safety Standards

Employees, Human rights and Local Community Standards

Sustainability Report

Protection of Children's rights

Please find here also the Corporate Social Responsability of B&B Hotels and our commitments and ambitions.