Schleswig-Holstein stands for sea, coast, water landscapes, and nature and national parks. The northernmost federal state of Germany is characterised by its geographical location between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Wind, mudflats, waves, and tides dictate the rhythm of life here. For your journey to the north, our modern single and double rooms at B&B Hotels are the ideal starting point.
The coasts of Schleswig-Holstein are dotted with numerous islands and beaches, inviting family beach holidays. But the region also offers active holidays for water sports enthusiasts and nature lovers, with sailing trips, hiking excursions, and cycling tours—always with a tailwind, of course.
Schleswig-Holstein is also Germany’s gateway to Scandinavia and has been shaped by centuries of influence between Germans and Danes. Hamburg is surrounded by Schleswig-Holstein and is definitely worth a visit.
Whether set against a historical or modern backdrop, by the coast or inland—the cities of Northern Germany enchant their visitors with numerous cultural, shopping, and culinary highlights. The maritime climate and especially the wind are integral to the experience!
The capital city Kiel is the only major German city by the sea. At the B&B Hotels, you can stay in a central location and, thanks to free Wi-Fi, easily find a cosy café or restaurant online. Before you set off for the day, we ensure your well-being with a balanced breakfast.
Just a few minutes' walk from the hotel lies the historic old town with its elegant promenade, Danish Street, and impressive buildings from the Imperial era. At the city harbour, you can breathe in the fresh sea breeze and watch cruise ships docking. Be sure to try the Kiel sprats or the East Frisian meat dish Sniertjebraa (pork roast).
On your journey, be sure to visit Elmshorn—one of the prettiest towns in Schleswig-Holstein. It is particularly known for its old townhouses from various architectural styles and offers further exciting local recreation destinations, including Krückau Park, Steindamm Meadows, Liether Moor, Forest Siberia, and the dyke landscapes.
The towns of Schleswig-Holstein radiate a unique charm due to their proximity to the sea. Travemünde is a district of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck, located directly at the mouth of the Trave River into Lübeck Bay. Here, the international small arts and crafts event, the Travemünder Woche, takes place. The wild Brodtener cliffs, the old lighthouse, and the Baltic Sea station Priwall are among the top attractions. On the nearly 2-kilometre-long beach promenade, families and couples can experience the romance of the sea up close.
Lübeck, often referred to as the jewel of the Hanseatic League, is a feel-good city with its charming old town and dreamy alleyways. The city centre—partly located on an island—boasts a high concentration of historic red-brick buildings and was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987.
The invigorating climate of the Baltic Sea, the sun, sand, and seawater boost your mood and strengthen the immune system! On the west coast of Schleswig-Holstein, holidaymakers can indulge themselves in wellness and spa hotels in Büsum.
For an island atmosphere with even more relaxation, head to Sylt. At the very northern tip of the island lies List, the northernmost point of Germany. Experience the wild spectacle of nature, the Wadden Sea, and enjoy views over the vastness of the North Sea. In bad weather, the island's capital, Westerland, offers refuge with top-notch restaurants, boutiques, and an extensive sauna landscape.
However, the largest island is located on the Baltic Sea side in the Ostholstein district: Fehmarn, the sunny island. The steep coasts and long sandy beaches are among the highlights of the island. In just 45 minutes, you can cross over to Denmark—ideal for a day trip.
Schleswig-Holstein is a true paradise for nature lovers, with each region offering its own charm: to the west, the Wadden Sea, a UNESCO World Heritage site, the North Sea, and the many dikes. To the east, fresh breezes, white sandy beaches, endless dunes, and chalk cliffs await. Inland, romantic lakes are nestled among gentle hills and expansive forests.
Here, holidays and outdoor activities can be perfectly combined. You can explore rivers and lakes by canoe or kayak, cycling paths are well signposted, and the islands invite you to relaxing hiking excursions. Even the smallest adventurers will find every walk an adventure as they collect shells and stones.
With B&B Hotels, you can discover the full diversity of this land between two seas while enjoying the salty sea breeze in your face. A little tip: don’t forget your hat!
Das belebende Klima der Ostsee, die Sonne, der Sand und das Meerwasser machen gute Laune und stärken das Immunsystem! An der Westküste Schleswig-Holsteins können sich die Urlauber in Büsum in Wellness- und Spa-Hotels verwöhnen lassen.
Inselflair mit noch mehr Erholung findest du auf Sylt. Ganz im Norden der Insel befindet sich List, der nördlichste Punkt Deutschlands. Erlebe hier das wilde Schauspiel der Natur, das Wattenmeer und genieße den Blick auf die Weiten der Nordsee. Bei schlechtem Wetter bietet die Inselhauptstadt Westerland Zuflucht mit erstklassigen Restaurants, Boutiquen und einer großzügigen Saunalandschaft.
Die größte Insel jedoch liegt auf der Ostseeseite im Kreis Ostholstein: Fehmarn, die Sonneninsel. Die Steilküsten und langen Sandstrände zählen zu den Highlights der Insel. In nur 45 Minuten kannst du nach Dänemark übersetzen – ideal für einen Tagesausflug.
Schleswig-Holstein ist ein wahres Paradies für Naturliebhaber und jede Region hat ihren eigenen Charme: Im Westen das Wattenmeer, UNESCO-Weltnaturerbe, die Nordsee und die vielen Deiche. Im Osten locken eine frische Brise, weiße Sandstrände, endlose Dünen und die Kreidefelsen. Im Landesinneren liegen romantische Seen inmitten sanfter Hügellandschaften und ausgedehnter Wälder.
Urlaub und sportliche Aktivitäten lassen sich hier sehr gut miteinander verbinden. Flüsse und Seen kannst du per Kanu oder Kajak erkunden, Radwege sind gut ausgeschildert und die Inseln laden zu erholsamen Wanderausflügen ein. Selbst für die Kleinsten wird jeder Spaziergang zum Abenteuer, wenn du Muscheln und Steinen sammelst.
Mit den B&B Hotels entdecke die ganze Vielfalt dieses Landes zwischen zwei Meeren und können sich dabei immer den salzigen Seewind um die Nase wehen lassen. Kleiner Tipp: Mütze nicht vergessen!