A green paradise in the middle of Frankfurt am Main. This is the Palmengarten Frankfurt. Covering an area of around 19 hectares, the botanical garden is home to an impressive variety of plants from all over the world. Historic buildings, old trees and the tropical and subantarctic houses are just some of the places that are particularly popular with visitors.
Close to our B&B Hotels Frankfurt, you can relax and unwind among flowering beds and lush greenery. Here we tell you more about the diverse cultural and event program, which is also very exciting for children thanks to interactive and digital offers.
Anyone entering the Palm Garden is immersed in a world of exotic beauty. Tall palm trees, lush tropical greenhouses and colorful flowerbeds transport visitors to another world. Throughout the garden you can discover new worlds, stroll through various themed gardens such as the cactus garden, the rock garden or the desert landscape and admire the variety of plants and flowers.
The tropical greenhouses of the Palm Garden are particularly impressive, housing a fascinating selection of exotic plants from all over the world. From magnificent orchids and colorful bromeliads to giant ferns, there is much to discover and marvel at here.
The variety of 13,000 different plants and flowers can be admired both in the open spaces of the garden and in the air-conditioned greenhouses. The tropical regions of the world can also be discovered here without having to fly to distant countries. The highlights of the garden are
As you enter the park via Palmengartenstraße, the old, historic part of the park is on your left: the Great Pond with the Papageno Theater. The shallow water is home to numerous fish and water birds. The rhododendron garden lines the left, western side of the park. Tip: The full bloom and a true fragrance experience awaits you here in May and June.
Right next to it is the Gesellschaftshaus with restaurant, the Lilie room for events and the adjoining Palm House, which was built in 1869 and is one of the largest buildings of its kind. Palm trees, ferns and leafy plants thrive in this tropical landscape. In the same building, the exhibition gallery shows changing, informative exhibitions about botany. Here you can find out how to pamper your orchids even more.
Passing the magnificent rose garden, you walk across the meadow towards the rock garden. Here you can already hear the waterfall splashing and right next to it you can visit the grotto from the inside. Continuing north, you reach the flower and butterfly house, which will open in summer 2021. At the pupa station, you can follow the life cycle from pupa to butterfly.
In the far north, mountain plants spend the winter in the alpine houses at Haus Leonhardsbrunn. And if you want to get a feel for nature in southern New Zealand, Tierra del Fuego or Patagonia, you should visit the globally unique collection of flora in the Subantarctic House.
On the way to the entrance building on Siesmayerstraße, you pass the Tropicarium. Here, the plants are grouped according to habitat and grouped into areas such as semi-desert, thorn forest, mangroves or deepest rainforest. Behind the greenhouses are areas such as Arizona, where cacti and other succulents can be admired in the immediate vicinity of beautifully flowering fuchsias from May to September.
However, the Palm Garden is not only a place of beauty, but also a place of rest and relaxation. Visitors can spread out on the extensive lawns, linger by idyllic ponds or take a break in one of the cozy cafés and restaurants.
Here are the top activities:
Boat rental:
Boats can be hired on the large pond. You can relax on a short boat trip and let your gaze wander over the water and the surrounding flowering gardens.
For children, but not only:
The lawn in front of the Leonhardsbrunnen house can be used as a playground. To the east is a large playground, the water playground, a kiosk and a mini golf course.
A theater for young and old:
In addition to the children's program such as the musical stories “Emil and the Detectives” or “Maya the Bee”, the Papageno Theatre also offers evening programs such as concerts, operettas or opera plays. The maximum seating capacity is 199. The music theater association and donations support this private theater and thus considerably increase the attractiveness of the Palmengarten.
Für das leibliche Wohl während einer Pause im Palmengarten ist ausreichend gesorgt:
Im Caféhaus Siesmayer gibt es neben Kaffeehausklassikern wie Kuchen und Torten auch belegte Brötchen, Suppen und einen Mittagstisch. Für den kleinen Hunger bietet sich der Kiosk am Wasserspielplatz an. Hier gibt es Snacks wie Würstchen, Eis und Getränke. Die Villa Leonhardi beherbergt ein inklusives Gastronomieprojekt für Menschen mit und ohne Behinderung und bietet kleine Speisen, Getränke, Kuchen und Eis an.
The origins of the Palm Garden go back to the exotic plant collection of the Duke of Nassau. However, he is not the founder of the garden, but Heinrich Siesmayer. When the Duke's collection was up for sale, he took the initiative and bought the plants with the help of financial contributions from numerous citizens. The Palmengarten was thus opened in 1871 as one of the city's first citizen participation projects.
While the garden was initially a meeting place for the upper middle classes - there were tennis courts, an ice skating rink and even an electric park railroad - today it is a modern social recreation and event venue with educational and research facilities for all visitors and interests.
The B&B HOTELS wish you a pleasant stay at the Palmengarten Frankfurt.