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Immerse yourself in your EURO experience - with B&B HOTELS!

Cheer on your team in the stadium or at the fan festival!

Emotions that arise at big events like the European Championship are best experienced in company!

Anyone who has managed to get hold of a ticket to visit a stadium during the European Championships in Germany is already looking forward to the incomparable experience. In order to fully enjoy the stadium trip, it is important to have booked an uncomplicated and comfortable overnight stay so that you can still dream of your team's victory afterwards.

Even without a stadium ticket, you can enjoy the European Championship together with many other fans. There are large fan festivals in all the host cities that are well worth a visit. People celebrate together and, in the event of failure, mourn and console each other. 

Discover the fan festivals of the European Championship cities right here and be on the safe side when it comes to your hotel - B&B HOTELS is always close by.


A soccer festival in the Hanseatic city!

Location: Heiligengeistfeld, Hamburg

Admission: Free

Open: Every match day

Viewings: 22 matches, including all German games



Public viewing with a festival feeling in the capital!

Location: Platz der Republik, Berlin-Tiergarten

Admission: Free

Open: Daily

Viewings: All 51 matches


Soccer party right on the banks of the Rhine!

Location: Rheinufer, Dusseldorf

Admission: Free

Viewings: All matches from Düsseldorf and all German matches


Euro feeling in the carnival stronghold!

Location: Heumarkt, Cologne

Admission: Free

Open: Daily

Viewings: All 51 matches


Enjoy the European Championship games in the iconic Ruhr area!

Location: Westfalenpark, Dortmund

Admission: Free

Open: On all broadcast days and for other events such as concerts

Viewings: All matches from Dortmund, all German matches and the final


Public viewing in the amphitheater!

Location: Nordsternpark, Gelsenkirchen

Admission: Free

Open: Daily

Viewings: All matches from Gelsenkirchen and all German matches


Football party with skyline view!

Location: Mainufer (Nordufer), Frankfurt

Admission: Free

Open: Daily

Viewings: All 51 matches


Meeting spot for football fans with a historic backdrop!

Location: Augustusplatz, Leipzig

Admission: Free

Open: Daily

Viewings: All 51 matches


Swabian football festival in the heart of the city!

Location: Schlossplatz, Stuttgart

Admission: Free

Open: Daily


European Championship party in the Olympic Park!

Location: Olympiapark, Munich

Admission: Free

Open: Daily

Viewings: All 51 matches